Renault radio code generator
Get the code of your Renault car radio from the serial number or vehicle registration number (VIN). Most codes are free!
Where to find the registration number or VIN
The registration number or VIN uniquely identifies your car and is located in one or more of the following places: under the windshield at the bottom of the driver's side, in the driver's door jam or on the steering column. Sample of a valid VIN: VF14SRAP449541701

Where to find the serial number
Method 1: Pressing buttons 1 and 6
If your radio is connected to a display, you can bring up the serial number by holding down buttons 1 and 6 for several seconds. As you can see in the photo, the serial is composed of a letter and three digits. Example: T719. If this method is not working for you, check the next one.

Method 2: Pull out the radio
Pull the radio out of the centre console (see how to pull out my radio) until you see the label attached to the box's side. You can locate the serial number below the barcode. A Renault serial number can be longer or shorter, but it always ends with a letter + 3 digits as a general rule. The only exception would be in cases where the serial number starts with BP. Some examples of valid serial:
- 7700426414N536
- 281150063RTB161
- N537
- 8200178157TF492
- T0V574
- BP6500V9531272
Compatible with radio code unlock
How to enter Renault radio code
If you already have your Renault radio code, all you have to do is enter it and confirm it. To do this, press the button 1 repeatedly until you enter the first digit of the code. For example, if we need to enter a zero, we push the 1 button ten times. We move on to the second digit by pressing button 2. We repeat the same process with the third and fourth digits. Ensure the code is entered correctly before pressing and holding button 6 to confirm.

How to get Renault radio code for free
All you need to get the activation code for your Renault radio is the serial number that you can find on the screen or the rear label. Enter your series in the form at the top and calculate your code instantly and for free. If you need to unlock more than one radio code, you can download our apps for Android and iOs.
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